The last couple of weeks I have been debating with my male friends about my girlfriends and I ‘checking out’ guys we meet. After all, when you first meet someone, they always send their representative who is on their best behavior. They always present a perfectly wrapped package that smells good, looks good, speaks eloquently, and really seems to be into you. But how does one really know who a new love interest really is???
Dating has become serious business in the 2000’s. No longer do you solely meet your potential mate in high school, college, law school, church, or through a friend. Technology now plays a major role. First, in how we meet people. And second, in how we learn about the people we meet. Over 41 million people have dabbled in online dating (at least those that will admit it so this number is probably higher). Whether or not this form of dating is successful is debatable. Can one truly go online and find the love of their life, marriage, and the baby carriage? Who knows? But one thing is certain, there are measures one can put in place to protect their safety regardless of how they met someone.
Online dating is a billion dollar industry with over 2500 dating sites in the U.S. alone! You fill out a questionnaire, list your likes, post a picture, and then what? What, if anything, do these sites do to account for the safety of the consumers using their products? Use at your own risk. All I am saying is: be cautious. Whether you meet someone online, at the supermarket, or he helps you pump your gas, be cautious. Your safety is paramount. Love is great, but life is better.
It is interesting, we prepare for everything in our lives but sometimes we neglect the most important areas. We study for a test, practice before a big presentation, exercise before going on a beach vacation, and even floss in preparation for a dental appointment. So, why not in this area too? Information is power. Information is protection. Information is priceless. Google him. When you meet someone, it is ok to Google them. Do a little background first. Find the information that is legally in the public domain. You will be surprised what you find. Look at the pictures, articles, postings, and write-ups. It may not tell you everything but it will give you some insight into the character of the person that could potentially become your husband. Does he take care of his children? Does he really work where he says he told you? Did he go to that Ivy League school he bragged about? Has he ever been arrested for domestic violence? These are important questions and good information to have as unfortunately, love is not blind.
As always~ Be safe,
Follow me on Twitter: @CrimeDoc1213
#googlehim #love #dating #onlinedating #personalsafety #crime #justice #crimeprevention #empowerment #ljsamuel #deardiary
Note: Stay tuned for details on Self-Defense Workshop tentatively scheduled for the end of January 2015.
Dewey, C. (2014, September 30). Does online dating work? Let’s be honest: We have no idea. The Washington Post. Retrieved from
Online Dating Magazine. (2012, March 22). How many online dating sites are there? Retrieved from
StatisticBrain.Com. (2013). Online dating statistics. Retrieved from